Penelope Cruz nuk u shfaq me pamjen e saj joshëse të zakonshme në filmin e fundit, por si një femër e fortë e cila lufton me kancerin.
Ajo hoqi flokët, për t’u përshtatur me personazhin që rruajti kokën, para se të kryente mastektomi filmin spanjoll “Ma Ma”.
Filmi u shfaq fillimisht në Spanjë dhe tani do të shfaqet në gjithë botën.
“Ky është një nga personazhet më të mrekullueshme që do të më ofrohet ndonjëherë për të luajtur. Kam rënë në dashuri me historinë e kësaj gruaje. Ajo është një perëndeshë. Ky rol përfaqëson të gjitha gratë që përballen me këtë sëmundje dhe kjo është e rëndësishme për mua”, shprehet aktorja.
Ky film flet për historinë e një mësueseje, e cila është e papunë, me një djalë të vogël dhe që i duhet të përballet me sëmundjen e kancerit.
“Nuk më interesonte fare nëse dukesha e bukur, e shëmtuar, apo shumë e shëmtuar. Ky rol është një homazh për të gjitha ato gra që përballen me këtë sëmundje”.
CRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER MOVIE MA MAnnPenelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in ¿Ma ma,nnNervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who¿s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. ¿I needed some good news today,¿ Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There¿s been a car accident, one that¿s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma.nMagda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies ¿ which she¿s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.nnThe movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released throught the world later this year, 2016.nPicture shows: Penlope looks intothe mirror after the matectomy operation in a scene from the movie nn75596nEDITORIAL USE ONLYCRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER MOVIE MA MA Penelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in Ma ma, Nervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), whos looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. I needed some good news today, Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: Theres been a car accident, one thats killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma. Magda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies which shes informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.The movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released worldwide later this year, 2016. Picture shows: Penelope Cruz shave off her hair before the operation in a scene from the movie 75596 EDITORIAL USE ONLYCRUZ IN DRAMATIC CANCER MOVIE MA MAnnPenelope Cruz is the wellspring of all womanly virtues in ¿Ma ma,nnNervously waiting a few months after finding a lump in one breast, Magda (Cruz) finally drags herself to see her gynecologist, Julian (Asier Etxeandia), who soon delivers the bad news: She will need a mastectomy, preceded by debilitating chemo treatments. She ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani (Teo Planell) excels as usual, attracting the attention of talent scout Arturo (Luis Tosar), who¿s looking for talented young players to enroll in the junior leagues that could lead to a pro career. ¿I needed some good news today,¿ Magda tells her new acquaintance, but just then Arturo gets a call with the worst news imaginable: There¿s been a car accident, one that¿s killed his daughter and left his wife in a coma.nMagda takes the distraught man to the hospital, then continues visiting him there after her own subsequent radiation therapies ¿ which she¿s informed no one else about, her self-absorbed academic husband, Raul (Alex Brendemuhl), having recently abandoned the family for an affair with a student.nnThe movie was released in Spain at the end of 2015 but will be released throught the world later this year, 2016.nPicture shows: A shaven-haired Penelope smiles into the mirror before her mastectomy operation.nn75596nEDITORIAL USE ONLY